希納斯特拉:波瑪索 (2CD) 《索尼經典歌劇系列》Ginastera: Bomarzo (2CD) 《Sony Classical Opera》
價 格:$450
■ 商品特色

魯道爾Julius Rudel (指揮)
諾沃亞Salvador Novoa (男高音)
華盛頓歌劇協會合唱團與管弦樂團Chorus and Orchestra of the Washington Opera Society

 阿根廷音樂大師歌劇名作首演珍貴錄音。
 波瑪索唯一傳世錄音首度CD化。
 希納斯特拉百歲誕辰最佳紀念。


《波瑪索》是希納斯特拉最重要的歌劇,取材自萊內斯(Manuel Mujica Láinez)1962年的小說,由作家親自改編,內容敘述十六世紀的義大利波瑪索公爵因身才矮小又駝背,想藉占星家調配的特效藥長高,反因飲藥中毒,他的「人生跑馬燈」因而點亮,年輕時求愛的經歷浮現眼前,然而結婚就無能的他卻因長期猜疑與嫉妒,認為自己的兄弟與妻子偷情,而派僕人殺死手足,但公爵自己也沒有好下場,最後被姪子毒殺身亡。


1. Prelude
2. Act I Scene 1 - The Potion
3. Act I Scene 1 - First Soliloquy of Pier Francesco
4. Act I Scene 1 - Presentiment of Death
5. Act I Scene 1 - Interludium I
6. Act I Scene 2 - Pier Francesco´s Childhood
7. Act I Scene 2 - The Father's Arioso
8. Act I Scene 2 - Pantomime of the Rose-crowned Skeleton
9. Act I Scene 2 - Interludium II
10. Act I Scene 3 - The Horoscope
11. Act I Scene 3 - Ritual of the Magic Circle
12. Act I Scene 3 - The Omen of the Peacocks
13. Act I Scene 3 - Interludium III
14. Act I Scene 4 - Pantasilea
15. Act I Scene 4 - Seduction Scene
16. Act I Scene 4 - Recapitulation of the Paean
17. Act I Scene 4 - Interludium IV
18. Act I Scene 5 - At the Banks of the Tiber - Pastoral
19. Act I Scene 5 - Diana Orsini's Evocation
20. Act I Scene 5 - Death of Girolamo
21. Act I Scene 5 - Interludium V
22. Act I Scene 6 - Pier Francesco Orsini, Duke of Bomarzo
23. Act I Scene 6 - Procession of the Ducal Consecration
24. Act I Scene 6 - The Spectre
25. Act I Scene 6 - Interludium VI
26. Act I Scene 7 - Festival in Bomarzo
27. Act I Scene 7 - Pier Francesco's Second Soliloquy
28. Act I Scene 7 - Galliard and Masquerade

1. Act I Scene 7 - Interludium VII
2. Act I Scene 8 - Lorenzo Lotto's Portrait
3. Act I Scene 8 - Arietta
4. Act I Scene 8 - Appearance of the Demon
5. Act II - Interludium VIII
6. Act II Scene 9 - Julia Farnese
7. Act II Scene 9 - Trio Reprise of the Madrigal
8. Act II Scene 9 - Omen of the Red Wine
9. Act II Scene 9 - Interludium IX
10. Act II Scene 10 - The Bridal Chamber
11. Act II Scene 10 - Sad Song of Love
12. Act II Scene 10 - Presence of the Demon
13. Act II Scene 10 - Interludium X
14. Act II Scene 11 - The Dream
15. Act II Scene 11 - The Garden of Eros
16. Act II Scene 11 - Pier Francesco's Lament
17. Act II Scene 11 - Interludium XI
18. Act II Scene 12 - The Minotaur
19. Act II Scene 12 - Scene of the Young Lovers
20. Act II Scene 12 - Second Strophe of Song
21. Act II Scene 12 - Interludium XII
22. Act II Scene 13 - Maerbale
23. Act II Scene 13 - Duet
24. Act II Scene 13 - Maerbale's Death
25. Act II Scene 13 - Interludium XIII
26. Act II Scene 14 - La Alquimia
27. Act II Scene 14 - The Potion
28. Act II Scene 14 - Magic Round of the Alchemists
29. Act II Scene 14 - Interludium XIV
30. Act II Scene 15 - The Park of the Monsters - Death of Pier Francesco
31. Act II Scene 15 - The Eternity of Bomarzo


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