穆索斯基:波里斯‧郭德諾夫 (3CD) 《索尼經典歌劇系列》 Mussorgsky : Boris Godunov 《Sony Classical Opera》
價 格:$519
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阿巴多Claudio Abbado (指揮)
柏林愛樂管弦樂團Berliner Philharmoniker

 俄國「國民樂派」的名作之一。
 這份錄音採用穆索斯基第三度修訂版,並以現場演出方式收音,是阿巴多數度指揮本劇最佳成果之展現。
 企鵝唱片評鑑表示:作曲者急切的靈感,首度在唱片中展現…音場寬闊…飽滿且閃耀動人。

《波里斯‧郭德諾夫》為包含序幕的四幕七景民間歌劇,由穆索斯基(Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, 1839-1881)作曲及編寫劇本,故事則是根據普希金(Alexander Pushkin, 1799-1837)的同名歷史悲劇改編而成。1874年2月8日在聖彼德堡馬林斯基劇院(Mariinsky Theatre)首演。


十九世紀歐洲廣泛流傳的一種文化運動稱為「國民樂派」,源自於政治上「民族主義」的理念,強調由各國民間的歌謠、舞曲,以及傳說尋求創作素材。著名的例子之一便是俄國的「五人組」(The Five)的創作。他們賦予俄羅斯的民族主義運動更為鮮活的生命力,其中的穆索斯基所創作的歌劇《波里斯‧郭德諾夫》便是代表作之一。當時俄國重要的藝術經紀人狄亞基列夫曾經將本劇引介到法國。1908年他在巴黎籌畫一季俄國歌劇演出大受巴黎人歡迎,其中以穆索斯基的《波里斯‧郭德諾夫》尤其受到矚目。

本輯錄音完成於1993年,由阿巴多指揮柏林愛樂演出。1991年間,他擔任維也納國家歌劇院音樂總監時,曾推出本劇的原始版,獲得好評。1993年於薩爾茲堡音樂節,又帶領柏林愛樂以音樂會方式演出此劇,並在其歐洲巡迴演出上一再以音樂會方式呈現。這份錄音採用穆索斯基第三度修訂版,並以現場演出方式收音,是其數度指揮最佳成果的展現。企鵝唱片評鑑表示:「作曲者急切的靈感,首度在唱片中展現…演出的焦點集中在飾演波里斯(Boris)一角的Anatoly Kocherga光輝的演唱上…音場寬闊…飽滿且閃耀動人」。



Boris Godunov: Opera in Four Acts With a Prologue
1. Prologue, Scene 1, Introduction
2. Prologue, Scene 1: "Well then, what's wrong with you?"
3. Prologue, Scene 1: "Who are you adandoning us to"
4. Prologue, Scene 1: "Who are you adandoning us to"
5. Prologue, Scene 1: "True believers! The boyar is implacable."
6. Prologue, Scene 1: "Glory to Thee, Creator on high"
7. Prologue, Scene 1: "Did you hear what the holy pilgrims said?"
8. Prologue, Scene 2, Introduction
9. Prologue, Scene 2: "Long live Tsar Boris Fyodorovich!"
10. Prologue, Scene : "My soul is sad"
11. Prologue, Scene 2: "Glory!"
12. Act I, Scene 1, Introduction
13. Act I, Scene 1: "Just one final story"
14. Act I, Scene 1: "O Lord, strong and righteous"
15. Act I, Scene 1: "Do not complain, brother"
16. Act I, Scene 1: "For alLong time, honoured father"
17. Act I, Scene 1: "I arrived at night"
18. Act I, Scene 1: "How old was the murdered Tsarevich?"
19. Act 1, Scene 1: "They are ringing for matins"
20. Act I, Scene 2: Introduction
21. Act I, Scene 2: "I caught a grey drake"
22. Act I, Scene 2: "Give me some fun"
23. Act I, Scene 2, "Why are you so pensive, comrade?"
24. Act I, Scene 2: "Here's what happened at the town of Kazan"
25. Act I, Scene 2: "Why don't you sing along?"
26. Act I, Scene 2: "We are humble elders, honest monks"
27. Act I, Scene 2: "What are you staring at me like that for"
28. Act I, Scene 2: "And his age... and his age..."


Boris Godunov: Opera in Four Acts With a Prologue
1. Act II: "Where are you, my Betrothed"
2. Act II: "Oh, that's enough, Princess, my dear!"
3. Act II: "A gnat was chopping wood"
4. Act II: "My little tale is about this and that"
5. Act II: "What's the matter? Has a wild beast surprised a sitting hen?"
6. Act II: "I have achieved absolute power"
7. Act II: "Hey, Pss!"
8. Act II: "Our little parrot was with the Nannies"
9. Act II: "Ah, it's you, glorious orator"
10. Act II: "In Uglich, in the cathedral, in front of all the people"
11. Act II: "Phew! I feel terrible! Let me catch my breath"
12. Act III, Scene 1: "By the sky-blue waters of the vistula, under a shady willow"
13. Act III, Scene 1: "Enough! The beautiful lady is grateful"
14. Act III, Scene 1: "Marina is bored. Oh, how bored!"
15. Act III, Scene 1: "Ah! Oh, it's you, my father"
16. Act III, Scene 1: "With tender, ardent words of love"
17. Act III, Scene 1: "What? You impudent liar!"
18. Act III, Scene 2: "At midnight, in the garden, by the fountain"
19. Act III, Scene 2:"Tsarevich!"
20. Act III, Scene 2:"Can a humble and sinful man, praying for his dear ones"
21. Act III, Scene 2:"Tsarevich, hide!"
22. Act III, Scene 2: Polonaise - "I do not believe in your passion, sir"
23. Act III, Scene 2:"That crafty Jesuit, he has got me firmly in the grip"
24. Act III, Scene 2: "How long and agonizing"
25. Act III, Scene 2: "Oh, Tsarevich, I beg you"
26. Act III, Scene 2:"Oh, my turtledoves!"


Boris Godunov: Opera in Four Acts With a Prologue
1. Act IV, Scene 1 (1869 Version): Introduction
2. Act IV, Scene 1 (1869 Version): "What, is Mass Finished Already?"
3. Act IV, Scene 1 (1869 Version): "Trrr, trrr - Iron cap"
4. Act IV, Scene 1 (1869 Version): "Aaah! Boris"
5. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version): Introduction
6. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"Exalted boyars!"
7. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"Well, then? Let's go and vote, Boyars"
8. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"What a shame that prince Shuisky isn't here"
9. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"He was whispering: keep away, keep away"
10. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"Here, by the front entrance"
11. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version): "A Humble Monk"
12. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version): "Once, in the Evening"
13. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"The Tsarevich - Quickly!"
14. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"Farewell, My Son!"
15. Act IV, Scene 1 (1874 Version):"A bell! A Funeral Knell!"
16. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): Introduction
17. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version):"Bring Him Over Here!" (Tramps)
18. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "It's Not a Falcon Flying in the Heavens" (Tramps)
19. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "The sun and moon have grown dark"
20. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "Hey Ho!"
21. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "Domine, Domine, salvum fac"
22. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): March - "Glory to You, Tsarevich"
23. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "We, Dimitri Ivanovich"
24. Act IV, Scene 2 (1874 Version): "Flow, Flow, Bitter Tears"


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